Highlighted Albums


Nebula is the 3rd EP of the discography. It's a whole new era, marked by electronic music, synthesizers and by the whole new mix of what's modern and what's epic.

The EP includes the new song "Nebula", it's orchestral version, and the already released single "Ultraviolet".


Reverie is the 2nd EP of the discography, and it's full of lo-fi melancholia, mixed with mysterious ambience and sounds, creating a unique ambience and musical experience.

Four tracks, seven minutes, of mystery and freedom to fly high.

Seasons Change

"Seasons Change" is a true awakening of instrumental music. Produced between 2023 and 2024, "Seasons Change" is the biggest album of Marco Ventura's career and mixes joy and sadness, in a single ambient album with many minutes of relaxation and self-confidence.

The Era of Fields & Gardens: Vol. I

The Era of Fields & Gardens: Vol I is the artist's first bet on lo-fi music.

It's Marco Ventura's third officially released album and contains 7 tracks of pure lo-fi and tranquility.
The instrumental album explores themes such as longing and memory, the joy and the heat of summer, the tranquility and beauty of solitude. "The Garden", Marco Ventura's single, is included on this album, being the first track on the list.